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Ms Tutu Balogun Vs. Tristar Communications Limited
Approx: 01:30:00 Mins Screen Time
Available on Desk/Laptop only.
As previously outlined on page one, Tristar Communications Limited are the proprietors of Mi-Soul DAB Radio, and are stationed in the Stephen Lawrence Centre.
The active, on-site Managing Directors are:
Gordon Macnamee MBE (better known as Gordon Mac MBE)
Roy Striven.
In the first quarter of 2013 Tristar Communications Limited moved Mi-Soul radio station to The Stephen Lawrence Centre charity, with a view to obtain space that would save on rental charge.
According to Gordon Mac, as of 2014 when he disclosed to Tutu Balogun; the radio station arranged an agreement of free tenancy with the stations obligations of providing work placement opportunities for students from within marginalised communities.
In the first quarter of 2013, whilst seeking a new radio presenter position;Tutu Balogun, who was once brutally attacked along with three of her friends, in the year of 1992 by the same 'Acourt gang' who 'allegedly' killed Stephen Lawrence one year later, discovered Mi-Soul, in March of 2013 and chose to apply for a radio presenter/DJ position.
At The time of applying, Tutu had just been accepted by another radio station and had initially agreed to take the position upon her return from a trip to Berlin. But once the unexpected turn of her unearthing Mi-Soul's existence and more importantly where it was located, she (quietly) opted out of the former presenter role in pursuit of a position in the Stephen Lawrence Centre. Tutu Balogun's new motivation was to further her career whilst seeking access to closure for her past trauma(s) yielding from 1992/1993.
Tutu Balogun had already carved out a career path in the music media industry and was well seasoned in the role of radio presenting. It's worth noting that Tutu Balogun is also a seasoned Graphic artist and was additionally excited by the prospects of bringing her art & design to this new space where her aspirations to incorporate this element into her career in the music industry, might take shape.
As the first female DJ to be given a daytime show on Mi-Soul, Tutu Balogun effectively and actively helped to build the station from the ground up and remained at Mi-Soul for just under six years.
Throughout her time of working for Mi-Soul radio, Tutu Balogun was constantly subjected to extreme, varied discriminations based in racism misogyny and sexism. These discriminations took shape via:
1). Being psychological abused for holding a certain level of intellect and/or a certain poise whilst being a woman of African heritage Eg; "why are you like that for a black woman? Why do you speak the way you do and dress the way you do? How come you're pretty" Lloyd Holder (LLoyd E Mix)
2). Tutu Balogun was constantly challenged for having an 'afro' hair style.
3). As a confident and competent female radio host of prominent presence. at the radio station, Tutu Balogun was constantly challenged by select others closest to and/or influenced by Gordon Macnamee in order to reduce her sense of self esteem.
4). Tutu Balogun was continuously targeted and subjected to constant chastise and bullying.
5). Tutu Balogun was subjected to significant pay gap discrimination.
6). Tutu Balogun was subjected to defamation of character perpetuated by Mi-Soul members of management which over time, trickled down the line to her peers and further, into the various associated spaces within the community that Mi-Soul had established itself within. Moreover, the defamation has extended to a reach of other professional spaces, at large, beyond the confounds of the Stephen Lawrence Centre.
7). Ms Balogun was subjected to 4 unprovoked counts of common assault,
8). Ms Balogun was subjected to 1 count of unprovoked, clear sexual harassment (not to be confused with Misogyny)
9). Ms Balogun was relentlessly targeted and subjected to continuous efforts of unprovoked, intimidating and.threatening behaviour from staff in senior and/or managerial positions.
At this point I ask that you bear in mind, Tutu Balogun's original long winded journey, in the absences of justice served for the prior associated trauma(s) leading up to Tutu's arrival at the Stephen Lawrence Centre. It took her twenty one long years to even begin to make it off of (what she believed to be) the start block, in obtaining the right space for healthy healing of the mind, only to find that a certain level of 'cocksure racism' had moved in before she got there, definitively compromising any potential of growth, healing and closure. On the contrary, in the unfortunate state of affairs, not only was Tutu blocked from the intended, but the unorthodox dynamics created an adverse effect whereby Tutu was forced to bear the burden of more extreme racism in the 21st century, further compounding that which had led to the building's existence in the first place back in the 20th century. As a result, it would be naive of anyone to not expect a resounding negative effect on Tutu Balogun's mental health, which has subsequently suffered greatly.
Since being relieved from her post at Mi-Soul DAB, Tutu has had to struggle with the aftermath of all of her experiences and endured numerous breakdown's from 2019 onward. Between 2020 and 2021, Tutu Balogun's life was at risk from idealisations of suicide as she felt "There was nothing left to live for, they've taken it all"
Everything Tutu Balogun knew of her sense of self as a positive black woman, her anticipated fruition of professional aspirations for her creative Art & design disciplines within the Stephen Lawrence Centre lending to her ultimate goal, had either been heavily violated, stolen away from her, denigrated to a point of non-recognisable or completely diminished with a concerted effort to guide others to join in, in the act of discarding her joy, her life long passions, her identity, her humanity, her integrity and pride as a black woman (which was intended to quietly inspire and uplift other black women through a positive image of self and on-air presence of warmth) and her rights to justice and closure for both her life's journey and Stephen Lawrence's legacy.
Tutu Balogun further cited "If I can't even find a haven away from racism in the Stephen Lawrence Centre, after everything that has happened leading up to its existence to gain the closure for then I put it to you, that there is absolutely nowhere for me to go!"
Tutu has had to rely on therapy assistance to function since being removed from the Stephen Lawrence Centre in 2019. The heavy load of trauma is greater than ever, And it was never intended by Gordon Mac MBE or any of the other of the accused, for Tutu do receive any acknowledgment of the for that she came to quietly tend to ans been further compounded with more racism which has only magnified due to the location of her negative experiences, coupled with the reality that Tutu Balogun's art work is still being used by those from within Mi-Soul who stole her intellectual property back in 2018 without Tutu's realisation until February 2020. This fact has kept Tutu Balogun, trapped
As of 2024, Independently owned, intellectual property that had once been stolen from Ms Balogun from with her time at Mi-Soul radio and as a pre-meditated choice of action of a number of middle management, are being used to amass independent profits, which have further compounded he absence of resolve for her experience(s) in 1992; thereby, significantly contributing to the continuous mental strain that Ms Balogun faces on a daily basis.
The timeline and unique intricacies of the targeted discrimination(s) are so compelling to a point, Ms Balogun has now been tooled with new key evidence supporting the re-opening of her original case of 1992. The Metropolitan Police are currently treating her case as a 'special investigation' which is currently underway.
In addition Ms Balogun has had to seek legal counsel to regain ownership of her intellectual property; in the process, she has recently arrived at a space where Lord Alan Sugar's Intellectual Property Law firm have offered to help Ms Balogun through their 'Anti Bullying' division of the company, 'TradeMark Wizards'.
Below are contents of supporting evidence in motioning for a Tribunal claim. In addition to the contents of this page we intend to build a strong case with the inclusion of witnesses.
SECTION 1: Gordon & Debra Macnamee
Gordon Mac is the Director of Mi- Soul DAB based at The Stephen Lawrence Centre, Brookmill Close Deptford Bridge, London.
Highlighted comments said to Ms Balogun by Mr Manamee during her tenure at Mi-Soul DAB:
"You Black people are always complaining but you never do anything!" Said in the Mi-Soul office to Tutu Balogun and another DJ by the name of Natty B In response to the news that Choice FM had transitioned to Capital Xtra.
"Don't fuck with me!" Said to Tutu Balogun on location in Ibiza in response to Tutu leaving a DJ performance early due to nobody being in the room that she was asked to perform in on account of a party taking place outdoors by the pool in Ibiza Rocks hotel. When gordon saw that Tutu Balogun was no longer performing he abruptly told her to return back to the empty room to continue playing until the end of the session. But closed the room down after in knowing there was no one in attendance.
You look like a girl I used to fuck a long time ago..." Said to Tutu's friend whilst in attendance at a documentary, private screening at Regent Street Cinema.
"Like I said, you're right look!" Said to Tutu Balogun in response to Tutu Balogun asking Gordon if he's satisfied with her weekly, self produced music based on-air show.
"You're a Diva" Said to Tutu Balogun at will.
Highlighted acts committed by Mr Macnamee toward Ms Balogun:
Gordon Macnamee grabbed a clump of hair from the crown of Tutu Balogun's head and pulled, with a perceived understanding of 'Wig Shaming' Ms Balogun in a crowded area, whilst on location at a festival. Mr Macnamee carried this act out twice in one evening.
Mr Macnamee devised, facilitated and perpetuated a toxic environment of extreme bullying and discrimination directed at Ms Balogun.
Mr Macnamee perpetuated and goaded other associates to participate in the orchestrated undermining of Ms Balogun in a professional and personal capacity both during and beyond her time at Mi-Soul DAB based in the Stephen Lawrence Centre.
Debra Macnamee (Gordon Macnamee's wife).
Frequent's Mi-Soul Radio based at The Stephen Lawrence Centre.
Highlighted words said to Tutu Balogun by Debra Macnamee:
"You're a fruit and nuts!' (Crazy)
"You look a state you should throw that shirt in the bin"
You're scared of me aren't you, cos I'm Gordon's wife and his your boss!"
I know who you are Tutu! You need to know who I am, take a seat! They'll tell you all about me..."
Ref. a3) below left is an example of the lack of 'duty of care' placed by Gordon Macnamee. Ms Balogun was attacked in the studio by another member of the radio station.
Ms Balogun, cautiously sent a thought out and balanced email to inform Gordon Macnamee with the hopes of not being wrongly cited as a "Diva" whilst having the matter taken note of.
Gordon Macnamee did not acknowledge the email and Ms Balogun received no reply or response until she brought the matter up to Mr Macnamee the following week; at which point, Mr Macnamee was only interested in minimising the matter in order to "leave it! Don't keep speaking about".
a4) below right. is a segment screen shot of a text conversation between Ms Balogun and another Mi-Soul presenter/DJ by the name of Mr Paul Taylor (DJ name: Stretch Taylor). The text describes a specific situation that depicts the typical conduct of Mrs Debra Macnamee toward Ms Balogun.
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SECTION 2: Mark Smedley/Tutu's Hair
Mark Smedley Is a radio presenter/producer who refers to himself as "Deadly". Mr Smedley was a full time Metropolitan Police Officer upon his arrival to the radio station, deciding to take a sabbatical from the police force in year two of being at Mi-Soul in order to build a full time schedule for himself working as a radio presenter for Mi-Soul Radio station. Although Mr Smedley maintained strong ties with the Metropolitan Policeand takes pride in reminding his peers of his elite membership.
Mr Smedley engaged in acts of intimidating and undermining micro and at times, macro aggressions toward Ms Balogun. Mr Smedley engaged in consistent, aggressive bullying and acts of discrimination
Highlighted comments made by Mr Smedley toward Ms Balogun:
"Nigerians are freeloaders! They never want to pay for anything, always looking for a freebie!" Sad to Tutu Balogun in referencing his father in law of Nigerian heritage. (Ms Balogun had the embarrassing task of having to inform Mr Smedley at the point that she too is Nigerian, as is her entire family).
"You shouldn't be here! You don't belong, you're not relevant, you should go!" This comment was said by Mark in his response of refusal to Ms Balogun requesting a jingle for her show from Mr Smedley, whose role was to produce jingles for all of the shows on the radio station.
"She's too ghetto!" Said in the office to Conrad Bool, who is another member of office staff at the time.
Due to a relationship spanning of over 4 decades with Mr Macnamee, Mr Smedley was able to navigate a plethora of misconducts based on discrimination, directed toward Ms Balogun. Mr Smedley experienced no repercussion from Mi-Soul management.
Ref. 2a) below shows the level of friendship through a DOA between Mr Smedley and Mr Macnamee.
Mark Smedley being a proud Police officer coupled with the progressive micro and macro aggressions extended to Ms Balogun in the office, further exacerbated Ms Balogun's quiet anxiety from past traumas. Ref. 2b) and 2c) below attest to Mr Smedley's pride of working as a Police Officer; constantly posting such like onto Facebook, with the duality of working as a presenter at Mi-Soul DAB. Mr Smedley was seen by his peers and the public as a wholesome, "top bloke" and a family man.
Ref. 2d)) Ms Balogun was blindsided by Mr Smedley, who privately sent Ms Balogun a mockery of her hair, disguised as a harmless joke. Feeling intimidated, Ms Balogun waited a day to reply. Not wanting to rock the boat by calling Mr Smedley out for a precarious 'joke', Ms Balogun decided to "play along to get along' and laughed it off.
Ref. 2e) Mr Smedley decided to take the private mock to a public platform without seeking Ms Balogun's permission, further mocking Ms Balogun to an audience of fans of both Mr Smedley's and Ms Balogun via Mi-Soul Radio station.
Ref. 2f) An email that was sent to Ms Balogun with a photograph attachment taken of Ms Balogun and her Mi-Soul co-worker, Miss Denise Campbell. The email has been 'subjected' as 'Big Perm' which is in reference to the continued mocking of Ms Balogun's afro hair style. The email was sent by Mr Dave Simpson who was an employee of Mi-Soul Radio at this time.
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SECTION 3: Effort & Working Relations
Ref 3a). 3b), 3c). 3d). 3e), and 3f). are a testimony to Ms Balogun's six years of dedicated, professional service(s) for Mi-Soul DAB radio station. In addition to providing the primary service of Radio Presenter/Producer,
Ms Balogun also extended her graphic art in aid of showcasing the various concepts of MI-Soul to the public at every stage that it was needed. These additional 'free' provisions of high finish graphics are worth multiples of thousands . Mi-Soul refused to pay for any art work but asked for additional 'free' art work for the official Mi-Soul website in 2015
Ms Balogun made efforts to hold healthy working relationships with as many of her peers as possible.
3g), Ms Balogun with Lemar at the Pre MOBO Awards.
3h) Ms Balogun with an ex colleague Craig Williams at Mi-Soul Studio's in the Stephen Lawrence Centre.
3i) Ms Balogun with ex colleague DJ Fen on Mi-Soul work location.
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SECTION 4: Roy & Rachel Marsh/Windrush
Roy Marsh ref.4a)
Rachel Marsh ref. 4a).
Roy Marsh is manager of sister station, Mi-House.
Highlighted comment from Roy Marsh spoken to Ms Balogun:
"It's good that there's not many black people here. We don't want black people at our events, hopefully there's even less of them next year."
Even with three years of unpaid work from Ms Balogun, to grow the station from grass roots (even though her daytime peers were being paid and she was constantly questioning her lack of pay with Mr Macnamee); in 2017 after Mi-Soul radio received its DAB license, they chose to place Rachel Marsh in charge of its social media handles.
In celebrating Windrush, Rachel Marsh chose to overlook its ethnic female presenters, of whom, two were from the Caribbean.
Mi-Soul thought it okay in choosing a non ethnic woman as representation for the annual celebrations of the historical celebration.
As a radio station playing music from the black diaspora, seemingly catering to a space influenced by marginalised communities there is a particular duty of care. As such, some members of the ethnic community felt slighted. in particular, those with heritage hailing from the Caribbean .
Regardless, this was a wilful ignorance to Stephen Lawrence's Caribbean heritage on Mi- Souls part, and was seemingly used as an opportune moment to insert the idea of a white female being placed in a position of prominence as 'a more palatable' presentation of the affairs. See images 4b)
As someone who came to the Stephen Lawrence Centre to specifically feel 'seen' and 'included', Ms Balogun felt unseen and excluded in her space of profession and society.
Ms Balogun wanted to speak on the subject with to Gordon Mac but felt discouraged once she saw the disparaging response's given to the Mi-Soul listeners via social media, image 4c).
Equally, Ms Balogun recalled that Roy Marsh had said to her one year earlier in reference to not wanting black people attending the Mi-soul events.
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SECTION 5: Margate Soul Festival
Reference 5a) shows the original E-flyer for the 100 strong, DJ lineup for Margate Soul festival.
Of the original DJ's that had helped Mi-Soul grow to the space of success at that time, Ms Balogun was the only DJ to be separated from the others when being placed in hotel accommodation for the weekend.
The setting was neglectful, discouraging and demoralising for Ms Balogun.
With no hot running water, Ms Balogun was unable to shower for the entire weekend. This affected Ms Balogun's mental state.
Ms Balogun never complained for fear of an altercation and yet again ,accusations of being difficult.
This was the first event Ms Balogun was being paid for after four years of service.
You can see reviews of Nayland Rock Hotel, where Ms Balogun was booked in for the weekend by order of Mr Macnamee, in ref. 5b). 5c). 5d). 5e). 5f). and 5g).
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SECTION 6: Text Evidence 1
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The text exchange between Ms Balogun and her ex colleague Stretch Taylor seen below starts with Stretch Tayloracknowledging that something took place between Debra Macnamee and Ms Balogun in ref. 6a). as it then continues to Ms Balogun elaborating from 6b) onward. The exchange continues through 6c). and 6d).
Although the text's are dated, 16th August 2018 the content relates to an incident of physical and verbal assault carried out by Mrs Macnamee (Gordon Macnamee's wife) in the evening of the 25th September 2017 . In addition to the displayed text Ms Balogun was also verbally abused by Mr Macnamee at approximately 2:20pm of the same date.
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Ms Balogun varied her tone in communicating to Stretch Taylor by comparison, to her share of true emotion when recounting her experience in Ibiza with Debra Mac with Miss Shereen Beckett upon their return.
As seen in ref. 6e) Tutu Balogun reached out to Miss Beckett, five days after their return and cried to Miss Beckett whilst detailing the full extent of her being attacked both verbally and physically.
SECTION 7: Death of Brian Bogle
Mr Brian Bogle (DJ name: Dr Psycho) was a presenter/DJ at Mi-Soul who was the only male daytime presenter that gave held Ms Balogun in a respectful regard and conducted himself as so for the most part. He gave Ms Balogun career advice, and shared many great moments of humour with her. Sadly, Mr Bogle suffered a sudden heart attack, severed artery and a stroke which, suddenly killed him.
Ms Balogun had one last verbal exchange with Mr Bogle in the Mi-Soul studio at the Stephen Lawrence centre where Mr Bogle had privately shared with her that he was in a new romantic relationship and that he was off to Morocco for two weeks to DJ. Upon his return he intended to share more insight about his new partner with Ms Balogun.
Ms Balogun states how happy she was for him in extending her congratulations. Her last words to him were "see you in two weeks dude!" not knowing, they would never speak again.
When Ms Balogun was informed of his hospitalised situation on Friday the 27th October, Shereen Beckett told Ms Balogun "he was stable but not out of the woods".
George Kay is the Mi-Breakfast show presenter on Mi-Soul DAB,.
With malicious intent, George Kay deliberately exacerbated an already distressed Ms Balogun's by coercing her into looking at a wikipedia page referring to Mr Bogle's condition.
Mr Kay went on to highlight a portion of the page that focused on "death rate" whilst motioning for Ms Balogun to read it out loud.
With a complete lack of regard and empathy to both Brian Bogles life and Ms Balogun's emotional state, George kay blurted out in no uncertain terms's "He's already dead!" even though Mr Bogle wasn't in fact still alive and fighting for his life in hospital, and was in fact in the hospital.
On Shereen Becketts request, Mr Kay later apologised for his considered crude coldness.
Shereen Beckett stated "he'd "gone too far." referring to Mr Kay's choice of actions.
In ref. 7a) you will see the text exchange between Ms Balogun and Miss Beckett at Ms Balogun's request until Sunday 29th when Ms Balogun was called by Miss Beckett, informing that Mr Bogle had, had a stroke, and was not going to make it; she should come and say goodbye to him at Westminster hospital before they switch off his life support machine.
Ref. 7b) shows Ms Balogun with Mr Bogle on location at a Mi-Soul event.
Ms Balogun cites that under such established, chronically toxic conditions of bullying she was expecting for Mr Bogle's death to at the very least, present a moment of reflection and reckoning for the other DJ's/employees and management to re-evaluate their conduct toward her.
Although Mr Bogles death sparked a wealth of the male employees seeking new dietary solutions to avoid the same fate as Mr Bogle, Ms Balogun was not graced with any new regard or respect. Dynamics continued as per usual.
Ms Balogun suffered mockery and insult from Debra Macnamee (Gordon's wife) at Mr Bogles funeral reception, giving Ms Balogun zero rest bite to process the loss of her much loved peer.
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SECTION 8: Compromised Identity
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Emma Noble is one half of a female DJ duo called Noble & Heath ref. 8a). In November of year five, two weeks after Mr Bogle had past away, at the same time of Ms Balogun trying to come to terms with his death; Noble and Heath were a new entity brought into the Mi-Soul fold via their sister station at that time, Mi-Connoisseur also based in the Stephen Lawrence Centre.
Typically, Ms Balogun cites that she has always been a character who embraces and where appropriate, even celebrates difference and commonalities in an excitable fashion. However, on this occasion Ms Balogun noted that Miss Emma Noble's stand out aesthetic features and style had a highly similar outward resemblance and style to Ms Balogun with the main difference being that of ethnicity.
In accordance with the multiple years of Ms Balogun being subjected to ridicule and common assault on account of her afro hair do, Ms Balogun anticipated the possibility of Miss Noble being brought forward in a continued attempt of psychological abuse and further compromise of Ms Balogun's sense of self via her key feminine prowess associated with her ethnic hair texture and style, which Ms Balogun states had long since been unequivocally recognised as Ms Balogun's signature look within her industry sector.
Ms Balogun had suspicions that there would be an eventual overhaul of replacing her with a non ethnic counterpart. as this had happened with another female, ethnic presenter/DJ one year prior.
Ms Balogun had conversations with Andrea Britton (see section 15) who was responsible for bringing Noble & Heath on board to Mr Macnamee. Mrs Britton reassured Ms Balogun that her thought's are misguided and there is no comparison to be made.
At the first opportunity of both Ms Balogun and Miss Noble being in the same space courtesy of a overall DJ meeting held at the Stephen Lawrence Centre, Mrs Britton commented in a mocking fashion in saying "Oh look, you two have the same hair!" to which Ned Pillar (a non ethnic male DJ) replied "Yeah but only one of theirs is real!" doing so whilst, quickly stretched his arm over and grabbing a clump of Ms Balogun's hair as he spoke. This lead to smirks of several others of the non ethnic people in an alleged attempt to intimidate Ms Balogun.
Ref. 8b) and ref 8c) below show a visual representation of Ms Balogun and Ms Noble.
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SECTION 9: Ronnie Herel & Rosie Coxshaw
Ref. 9a) Ronnie Herel is a DJ & Radio Presenter for Mi-Soul Radio who, in 2016 was promoted to Head of Music for Mi-Soul DAB along side his existing position of Drivetime, Radio Presenter. Every Friday, Ms Balogun would hand over the studio to Mr Herel after her 'Tutu@2' show which ended at 4pm
Ref. 9b) Rosie Coxshaw was initially introduced to Mi-Soul via a self referral, to interview Ronnie Herel for a magazine that she fronted until 2017, after which she quickly befriended Mr Macnamee and Mr Herel, becoming Mr Herel's lover and music event, business partner shortly thereafter.
On Friday the 7th November (the day of Mr Bogles vigil gathering); whilst changing over in the studio, Mr Herel engaged with Ms Balogun with a view to hire her to provide a graphics solution for a newly instated music event venture he had. It was in this conversation that Ms Balogun was first made aware of a woman called Rosie Coxshaw. Rosie was presented to Ms Balogun as a business partner to Mr Herel.
Through Mr Herel engaging with Miss Coxshaw on the phone, the two of them reached a fee agreement for graphics services with Miss Balogun which was a payment consisting of £150 (mates rates, as Ms Balogun was just starting to introduce her graphics services to the music industry via the community she was a part of) with additional promotion of Ms Balogun's graphics ability and services and business via Mr Herel and Miss Coxshaw's Social media which had a following.
Ms Balogun found Ms Coxshaw's Facebook page which depicted her as a willing supporter for women at work as seen in ref. 9c). in addition, Miss Coxshaw is an entrepreneur with a business called 'Modern Woman' which is a platform rooted in supporting women in business/work. Miss Coxshaw's passion for supporting others, prompted Ms Balogun to request Miss Coxshaw as a friend at the tail end of December 2017 which was accepted by Miss Coxshaw at the start of 2018 as seen in ref. 9d).
Mr Herel and Miss Coxshaw insisted that Ms Balogun engage in business conduct with Miss Coxshaw, and Ms Balogun was briefed by Miss Coxshaw at the end of December in 2017. The graphics solution was for a logo that was to depict the face of a woman with clear stipulations of an afro hair do.
Due to the clear directions of the aesthetics required, Ms Balogun consulted Mr Herel at another Friday afternoon studio changeover. Ms Balogun clarified to Mr Herel that she would create the face as "a black woman" because of the aesthetics request, to which Mr Herel made it clear that he "did not want the face to be black!" Confused, Ms Balogun reminded Mr Herel of his request for "afro hair" so the face would need to be black. Mr Herel promptly responded in saying "We don't want her to be black, we don't want to alienate white people. Make her mixed race..."
As a 'black' woman with an afro, Ms Balogun felt compromised and triggered by the "alienate" comment be extended to her. Ms Balogun absolutely found the comment highly discriminating but didn't bring Mr Herel to task for fear of an unwanted confrontation eluding to Ms Balogun being the person accused of discrimination. Instead, Ms Balogun decided to maintain professionalism in giving the client what they asked for.
Ms Balogun did not learn until later conduct, that the requested commission was seemingly, another ploy to further minimise and marginalise the prominence/presence of the phenotype image and likeness of black women from the Afro-Caribbean diaspora, including Ms Balogun herself; see ref. 9e. In addition and simultaneous to the above, their was a clear intention of reducing Ms Balogun's worth in her professional space with an added intention of elevating Miss Coxshaw in the space of female entrepreneurship at a time when Miss Balogun was attempting to break out with her own creative business model.
This was also displayed through a pre-meditated violation and breach of the spoken contract between Ms balogun and both partners. with a view of a clear, undesirable outcome for Ms Balogun.
Ms Balogun was not expecting such conduct from Miss Coxshaw on account of her public declaration of "supporting women at work".
Within 8 weeks of completing the graphic logo for Mr Herel and Miss Coxshaw, Ms Balogun was removed from her Friday show which set off a convenient set of chain reaction of:
Ms Balogun's official, promotional graphic image of likeness, once used for the now debunked show, becoming redundant.
The most recently created graphic image of prominence in circulation is of a newer, more lighter in complexion version of what once woman reference to Mi-Soul in any small or large capacity as, no longer a black woman, rather it was now a non black woman hailing an afro'. ref. 9e)
Ms Balogun cites that she had no idea that she would be losing her show prior to the artwork. She also states that she had no inclination of Mr Herel and Miss Coxshaw's less than honourable intentions. In addition, Ms Balogun was in a space of emotional weakness due to a barrage of abuse, whilst hiding the brinks of a breakdown at this time. Ms Balogun was still trying to remain of the mindset that this was supposed to be the perfect opportunity for her to gain closure for her past traumas, and although it was obvious to Ms Balogun, this clearly was not happening, she felt stuck with no other route for said closure.
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Miss Coxshaw and Mr Herel proceeded to put effort into coercing Ms Balogun into parting with all intellectual property pertaining to the finished work, without official 'purchase' of goods. Miss Coxshaw made several, varied attempts; first asking for an EPS file then asking for a PSP file. Both of which were sent by Ms Balogun but were "flattened" into 3 key sections. see ref. 9f). Not satisfied, Miss Coxshaw engaged in further attempts of manipulation by stating, her own personal graphic designer needed the layers (not flattened) whilst withholding owed payment from me until they had the "bits that are missing" ref. 9g) 9h) 9i) 9j) 9k), Ms Balogun did not hand over her intellectual property, rather she held an 'inevitable' conversation with Miss Coxshaw, patiently and politely explaining that the intellectual property was a considerably higher price of purchase separate to the agreed arrangement of produce a solution for license in exchange for £150 with promotion of Ms Balogun's services in the music industry.
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After tried and failed manipulations on Miss Coxshaw and Mr Herel's part, Ms Balogun agreed to make a small change to the final artwork with no additional cost and they eventually settled the 'financial' aspect of their agreement with Ms Balogun on the morning of Friday 2nd February. Unbeknownst to Ms Balogun, and even after Ms Balogun had clearly stipulated otherwise; Mr Herel and Miss Coxshaw went on to override Ms Balogun's ownership of work, stealing her intellectual property and registering it as their own under a list of '41 classes', on Saturday 3rd February 2018. Ref. 91), 9m) and 9n).
Ms Balogun had no knowledge of the above actions undertaken by Mr Herel and Miss Coxshaw until early 2020.
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In further compounding the above disregard and lack of respect for Ms Balogun's provision of services brokered with a honoured verbal contract on her part; Mr Herel went to extreme lengths with more pre-meditated undermining and humiliations in the final breach of contract by overriding the second part of the agreed transaction between Ms Balogun and himself and Miss Coxshaw. This was to promote Ms Balogun's skills and services, geared for the music industry, for the purpose of Ms Balogun gaining much needed traction for her new business venture.
Effectively Ms Balogun was completely disassociated and sidelined from her own work and signature. Which heavily affected her progress going forward. Ref. 9o) shows the original, promotional post whilst 9p) and 9q) are enlargements of the original written caption with the post.
Knowing that Ms Balogun created the very image that was now weaponised against her, left her in a precarious position knowing that Miss Coxshaw was seen as an aid for women at work, with the added compromise of having to still maintain handing over the studio each week to RMr Herel at Mi-Soul studio's.
Additionally, another of Ms Balogun's daytime colleagues, Mr George Kay was accusing Ms Balogun of plagiarising her own work in reference to the logo she created, and sharing this untruth with other members of Mi-Soul in the office which was brought to her via Miss Shereen Beckett who asked Ms Balogun some weeks later, if she "really did the art?".
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SECTION 10: Removal From Show(s) 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111
In 2016 Ms Balogun was removed from her original, Friday afternoon show time of 2pm - 4pm (Tutu@2 show) to 12 midday - 2pm, resulting in the disbanding of the brand name Tutu@2 on Mi-Soul The reason stemmed from Mark Smedley's prior, verbal abuse toward Ms Balogun in citing that he did not approve of her having said show and show name, saying words to the effect of wanting for her to leave the station all together. On Week later, Mr Macnamee justified the move of Ms Balogun's show to her by way of citing "it will be a punishment for Mark Smedley" but Ms Balogun was not happy with this action nor did she process the reason as justifiable as she was the one who was being punished.
Fast forward into 2017; one month after being subjected to Mr Herel's heightened micro and macro aggressions, Mr Macnamee called Ms Balogun to inform her that he is removing Ms Balogun from her show. This was done without prior warning, but was set to take immediate effect. despite Ms Balogun being the first presenter/DJ to grace the Friday afternoon time slot, therefore building the fanbase since the inception of Mi-Soul radio, Mr Macnamee did not permit Ms Balogun to say goodbye to her loyal Friday afternoon fan base. Instead, Mark Smedley was reinstated in the showtime.
Ms Balogun was offered an ultimatum to think about from Mr Macnamee over the telephone, the choices were to either, be demoted to cover shows with Ms Balogun's on-air status as an 'official Mi-Soul presenter' removed, in favour of being referred to as 'cover'. In return, Ms Balogun would be offered a fraction of the pay of the other of her daytime peers. It's worth noting that at this point, Ms Balogun was the only daytime presenter, yet to be paid for any shows performed in the entire five years of her being an official daytime presenter. The alternative offer from Mr Macnamee, was for Ms Balogun to leave the station. Ms Balogun asked Mr Macnamee to email the specifics to her. See ref. 10a).
Ms Balogun was clearly emotional once she learned about the loss of her show along with the all the thoughts of her experiences of abuse in the work place. She called Miss Beckett in hysterical tears in the late afternoon of the 3rd of April. On the 4th April, Miss Beckett text Ms Balogun to check that she was alright; ref. 10b) was Ms Balogun's response.
As much as Ms Balogun was broken in spirit, she thought about finally leaving, then thought about how much she had invested, how much had been taken from her and how much more than ever she needed closure and she was too scared to leave for fear of never being the same ever again in her constant fear of the unknown on account of all that had already happened. She knew the closure she had hoped to gain by building something positive at the Stephen Lawrence Centre had not manifested but had no idea on how to compensate this reality.
Ms Balogun spoke to several (non daytime) presenters and DJ's who further confirmed, they wanted her to stay and be optimistic with the future. They suggested ideas on how she could make the most of her new demotion which Ms Balogun ran with in adding meat to the bones, before presenting all to Mr Macnamee and Mr Strivens on an email. the exchange is below in ref. 10c, 10d, 10e,
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The time stamp between Mr Balogun's above email sent to Mr Macnamee and her first cover show date, on the 23rd April, allowed 10 working days for Mr Macnamee to reply. Mr Macnamee did not reply or show any engagement with Ms Balogun's idea.
Ms Balogun took her own initiative in developing and creating the new project branding, sending it to Mr Macnamee and Mr Striven once completed.
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On the 19th of April Mr Macnamee acknowledged Tutu Balogun's idea, engaged and agreed to the proposed. Adding constructive criticism on necessary changes. Ref 10f), 10g), 10h) 10i) and 10j)..
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Due to Ms Balogun's impromptu telephone engagement with Miss Beckett, expressing her outrage for the sudden loss of show some week earlier, Tutu Balogun felt obligated to give Miss Beckett an update on the developments pertaining to the matter. Ref. 10k)
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However, on the day of reveal Mi-Soul did not openly support the branding nor did they ever, openly support Mi-Covergirl branding throughout, which left Ms Balogun in a precarious position with the regular listeners and fans of the station. Ms Balogun went ahead and promoted it on her own but couldn't maintain on the level she originally presented to Mr Macnamee due to zero engagement of support from Mi-Soul radio. ref. 10l)
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SECTION 11: Mark Smedley/Continued Bullying
Mr Mark Smedley persisted, in his bullying towards Ms Balogun.
On the Thursday the 16th of August 2018 at 21:00 BST Mr Smedley sent out a generic email that read as though it had been sent to everyone at the station. However, due to all the bullying Ms Balogun had received from him; airing on the side of caution, not wanting Mr Smedley to enter into anymore of Ms Balogun's personal space than needed, she replied his email in politely asking him to refrain from emailing her directly without cc'ing someone else, either Mr Macnamee or Miss Beckett. In doing so, Ms Balogun cc'd in both Mr Macnamee and Miss Beckett. Ref. 11a) and 11b)
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As Ms Balogun progressed forward as 'Cover' for the daytime shows, she was further exposed to the continued heavily various discriminations and bullying that she tried to evade. Mr George Kay and Mr Smedley tried to intimidate Ms Balogun by coming into the studio simply to stare at her whilst she was in mid flow of a live show.
Ordinarily, radio etiquette is to start the show by re-announcing the last show and host presenter in thanking them, as the successor takes the next show. Mr Smedley chose no longer mention Ms Balogun's name on cue, for when she had handed the studio over to him. Further more, Mr Smedley made many attempts, to embarrass Ms Balogun on air through rigged technical blunders. Ms Balogun reported these to Mr Macnamee but Mr reduced the affair to honest mistakes made on Mr Smedley's part, whilst reinforcing to Ms Balogun that she is "just, cover!".
Mr Herel continued on in his aggressive stance with Ms Balogun; choosing to give her stares of intimidation at any given opportunity.
Miss Beckett was slowly slipping away from the space of someone whom Ms Balogun once had a good working relationship with.
Eventually, having nobody to turn to, and under the continued mental and emotional strain of having to put on a smile whilst suffering the effects of discrimination and bullying; through tears and whilst in the midst of a live show, Miss Balogun told her daughter who resides overseas; for the first time in the 5+ years of her experience's as seen below in ref. 11c), 11d) and 11e)
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Mark persisted in his aggressions in any way he could find.
On a few occasions, Ms Balogun tried to calmly engage with Mr Smedley, specifically in reassuring him that she does not have any issues with him; furthermore, him displaying hostility toward Ms Balogun is futile as there was no prior tension between the two of them whatsoever. Regardless, Mr Smedley ignored Ms Balogun's attempts to squash all of the toxicity in favour of continued bullying; eventually warranting for Ms Balogun to vacate the studio in a hurried fashion to skirt around any provocation of bullying, whenever Mr Smedley's show was next. Nonetheless, new ways of execution were constantly conjured and enforced on Mr Balogun.
Ref. 11f and 11g) below is an email exchange that Mr Smedley used as an effort of undermining Ms Balogun in front of others.
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Ms Balogun calmly replied Mr Smedley the next day, cc'ing in Mr Manamee and Miss Beckett. Nobody came to query any malpractice aimed at Ms Balogun. Mr Macnamee, did not look into the matter of bullying despite the content of Ms Balogun's email.
Below is Ms Balogun's reply to Mr Smedley, ref.11g).
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Following on from the above email exchange; the next scheduled cover show that Ms Balogun undertook at Mi-soul station, Mr Smedley entered into the studio whilst Ms Balogun was on air, and without warning, proceeded to aggressively invade Ms Balogun's personal space. Mr Smedley stretched his arm across Ms Balogun's upper torso/lower chest plate, brushing Ms Balogun as he went, whilst attempting to further intimidate and undermine Ms Balogun by touching the microphone's 'ON' button as if to show Ms Balogun where it is, even though Ms Balogun had regularly been conducting shows from out of the studio for the past 5+ years. Ms Balogun cites, she was scared and felt as though Mr Smedley might try to strike a physical conflict with her. Ms Balogun responded by asking Mr Smedley to "please stop!"
A few weeks later Mr Smedley made further efforts to once again undermine Ms Balogun on an open platform whilst addressing the Mi-Soul audience, doing so, by posting the success of Mi-Soul's positive analytics across the daytime shows of which, Ms Balogun had contributed quite considerably. Mr Smedley proceeded to thank the listeners, and crediting all the relevant presenters and management whilst, purposefully excluding Ms Balogun from the list of contributing presenters. Please see ref. 11h) as original screen shot and 11i) an enhanced image of the original screenshot.
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SECTION 12: Brian Power Cover Show Incident
Ref.12a) Brian Power is a caucasian male in his 60's, who identifies as ‘He/Him’. Mr Power joined Mi-Soul DAB in 2016, brought in by Mr Macnamee. In explaining his "seemingly out of the blue, yet immediately strong presence" Mr Power directly explained to Ms Balogun that he’d "met Mr Macnamee and Mr Herel at a festival" and was strongly affiliated with the music business as a self taught DJ at home so it made sense to bring him on board at Mi-Soul.
As time went on, stories on Mr Power and his true affiliation and positioning at the station changed; It soon became clear that Mr Power wasn’t previously in the industry rather, he had 'allegedly' paid a significant amount of money in effectively striking a deal with Mr Macnamee consisting of a strategical, fast track with focus on Mr Power becoming a music Producer/DJ of significance within the industry. At this time Mi-Soul was operating as a CIC and had allegedly obtained a space in the Stephen Lawrence Centre via a non profit negotiation with the Stephen Lawrence Centre charity, under their company status.
Over one year later, it was also revealed that Mr Power is an ex convict for armed robbery, with his son still in prison at that time of reveal.
Doing cover shows meant that Ms Balogun's schedule was somewhat chaotic at times due to having another job to make ends meet financially.
The 'unspoken', managed routine of scheduling Ms Balogun for Cover shows were as follows:
Miss Beckett would refer cover shows to Ms Balogun usually weeks in advance where possible, with the 'occasional' days notice for some cover shows. Once Ms Balogun agreed to do these shows, Miss Beckett would email them over to Ms Balogun. Closer to the day/week of her cover show Miss Beckett would text/call Ms Balogun to remind her, which Ms Balogun would appreciate, as by her own admission, Ms Balogun would sometimes forget due to the various aspects of her weekly juggles.
On Tuesday the 16th of October, Ms Balogun had just finished a show and was in the office replying emails when Miss Beckett asked Ms Balogun if she could cover a singular show on the 26th October. Not wanting to miss any opportunities, Ms Balogun immediately said "yes" without much thought. Miss Beckett then emailed the singular date over to Ms Balogun in that moment. As soon as Ms Balogun had finished sending other emails, she replied Miss Beckett's email with confirmation before leaving the building to head off to her second job.
On Friday the 26th October Ms Balogun forgot about her cover show for that afternoon. Ms Balogun states that as well as juggling a second job, and depression, her Nephew was leaving the country for good and Ms Balogun was aiding her nephew in tying up some looses ends before he left and had arrived back home the morning of the day in question. Ms Balogun explained the unfolding of the day:
"I had just put on my pyjamas to finally get rest when Denise Campbell called me for an afternoon chat. within 5 minutes of being on the phone, I got a message from an avid listener of the radio station sharing his excitement to hear that I'll be on the radio that afternoon, at which point, I realised, I was due to be on air that afternoon. I immediately called Shereen and told her that I'd forgotten with all that was going on, on a personal level, and that I was currently an hour away at home in my pyjamas. I further calmly asked her why she didn't text me as she normally would? Shereen replied "I told you on the day and emailed you."
I replied "yes but you normally email me then text or call me closer to the day Shereen, why not this time?'
"I emailed you Tutu. What else do you want me to say?"
We had an awkward pause of silence before I reiterated that I was an hour away and the show is due to start any moment. Shereen did not offer up any alternative solutions (another DJ takeover or replace with an existing pre-recorded show) so I said, "I'll be on my way then..."
Shereen replied "Okay."
I ended the call, brushed my teeth washed my face and shoved on yesterdays clothes and headed out the door in a rush to get to the studio as quickly as possible.
Once I arrived I headed straight to the studio to take over from a pre-recorded mix that had occupied the airwaves in the time of my delay. Gordon came into the studio area and was visible to me, I watched him hug Brian Power with his jacket on; I tried to cease a quick opportunity to apologise for the mix up, but when I called his name he looked over at me in disgust, gave a loud grunt as he aggressively threw his hands up at me as if to say "go away!", He then turned his back and walked out of the studio area. I was fighting back tears and eventually, succumb to those tears whilst in the 2nd hour of my show to a point, I could barely speak on air for the duration of the show.
After my show ended, I went to Brian Power; trembling with tears, I screeched "where the fuck is HR in this place??!" I asked him if I could have a word with him when he was done doing what he was doing, I was still in tears, my body shaking. He came to find me in the office and proceeded to sit with me to discuss the matter.
Brian Power asked me "what's going on with you and Gordon? Why do you two clash?"
"I responded in saying that "We don't clash, he has had an issue with me from the start but there's no reason behind it"
Brian responded with "Perhaps it's because you're always late."
"No, that's not it"
"Yes Tutu. You're always late!"
"No Brian, I'm not always late, I'm normally on time for my shows, I just don't come into the building at the time he would like. And I'm not the only one! Not by a long shot!! On top of that my shows are always great! I've never even so much as been told thank you! He doesn't want to pay me! Ronnie Herel misses his duties all the time and nobody says anything!"
" Brian replied Well that's Ronnie."
"what do you mean?" I asked, then goin on to say "This is all wrong!"
"look Tutu, life isn't fair so just deal with it!"
In that moment, I got tired of not being able to say all the horrible things that had happened to me; I blurted out "Gordon attacked me! He pulled my hair! and Debra attacked me as well" But Brian just looked through me as if to say, "i didn't hear that" So I got up from where we were sitting out of embarrassment.
Still crying and trembling, i walked over to the office sink to wash my cup when Brian Powers called my name "Tutu." I said nothing. He called my name again, louder "Tutu! Look at me!" I turned around to look at him, he said "This is the big boys playground! Do you understand?!" I was fully dejected at this point, I nodded at him. He said that if I arranged a sit down with Gordon to clear the air that he would sit in on the meeting to aid the clearance of air. He suggested that I write Gordon an email explaining and asking for a meeting.
Once Ms Balogun arrived home, she wrote an apology email, further explaining the circumstance around the mistake she had made earlier that day. Ms Balogun made a conscious effort in making clear that she was not trying to excuse herself but rather; provide an explanation. With further humility Ms Balogun asked Mr Macnamee for a time of his convenience to have a sit down meeting. see ref. 12b), 12c) and 12d) for reference of email and evidence of Ms Balogun's actions.
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Mr Macnamee seemingly adhered to arrange a meeting time closer to when he was able to sit with Ms Balogun and she looked out for the email but it never came ref. 12e), 12f), 12g) and 12h) below. In the meantime, Ms Balogun noticed that cover shows were being offered to and conducted by some one other than her, Another of the weekend presenter called Lindsay Wesker, who had a long standing relationship with Mr Macnamee from decades past.
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One day in December, a few weeks after the above incident and email exchange, Ms Balogun had just finished another cover show. Ms Balogun came to the office to make a coffee but before she could put the kettle on Mr Macnamee said "Have you got a moment Tutu?"
Ms Balogun recall's asking if it would take long as she knew she had to head off to her second job shortly after her coffee but she was reassured by Mr Macnamee that "it won't take long"
In which case Ms Balogun responded with "sure".
in that moment both Mr Macnamee and Mr Power, who until that moment was seemingly, otherwise engaged, got up from their respective seats in unison; Ms Balogun says she felt intimidated. Both Mr Macnamee and Mr Power ushered Ms Balogun to a private boardroom where they sat. Ms Balogun explains the following:
Gordon looked at me with a deadpan expression and said, "What do you want to say?"
Unprepared as I was, I asked "Why Is Lindsay Wesker doing cover shows?"
Gordon replied "Because we asked him to."
I responded by mentioning that Gordon Mac had categorically told me when first offering me the position of cover back in April, that I would always be given first refusal. Gordon replied "Things change."
I asked "what's changed?"
Gordon Mac replied "the station is always changing and we like Lindsay"
I paused, and then said "what 's that supposed to mean Gordon?"
He replied "It means we like Lindsay"
"Should I be worried? Should I be preparing to go?"
"No" Gordon replied, going on to say "you don't need to be worried"
At that point, Brian Power, suddenly interjected with "Right, okay! And that marks the end of the meeting! Glad that's settled then."
Ms Balogun felt blindside, caught off guard and gagged for what was supposed to be a meeting to clear up all of the issues that Ms Balogun had been facing. Mr Power got up and motioned for Mr Macnamee to get up, and with that everyone proceeded to vacate the board room.
SECTION 13: Forced Projection of Identity.
Even through the adversity, Ms Balogun worked hard to present a positive front throughout the entire of her six year tenure of being a presenter at Mi-soul DAB radio, both to her peers and to the public, ref 13a) and 13c). Due to the opposing powers of constant defamation of her character, Ms Balogun was often purposefully, presented as "trouble" "ghetto" "combative" "fiesty" "diva" "a bit nutty" "bonkers" effectively, Ms Balogun was subliminally seen as a defiant force by a majority of those who had spent much time in the presence of Mr Macnamee and other select office/daytime personnel due to their approach and conduct with Ms Balogun.
In the time that Ms Balogun was doing more shows in the week, she was in the extended company of one of Mi-Soul Radio's event partners for Margate Soul Festival, Eli Thompson.
Eli Thompson and his marketing assistant, a caucasian woman called 'Claire' worked from the Mi-Soul office every Monday and Tuesday and as such, they were exposed to the office dynamics including the sporadic micro aggression's and bullying aimed at Ms Balogun.
In Eli Thompson agreeing to offering Tutu Balogun what was to be a new monthly, fun club night in Margate which Tutu Balogun named 'Tutu & Friends', Claire took to providing artwork to promote the said music based club night. without consulting Ms Balogun on creative direction. In doing so, Claire chose the image of a silhouetted 'Civil Right's Activist with one, defiant fist up in the air to depict Ms Balogun in the artwork, and shared this image to social media. ref. 13h)
Upon seeing the artwork, Ms Balogun was overcome with shock and embarrassment at the continuation of overt and woeful depictions of her.
Ms Balogun is familiar with these images and the long standing history of what they represent for black oppression and societal, racial divide. Ms Balogun has never been an activist or been on a march for black justice ref. 13b). 13e). 13f). and 13g). Ms Balogun has never put one fist in the air as a symbol of black defiance, furthermore the event that Ms Balogun had in mind when asking and agreeing to do this, was not with any political connotation in any sense whatsoever, rather it was set to be a lively music based contribution in transporting people to a mental space of fun in their weekend. The image reference had already been shared to social media, resulting in worsened feeling of isolation and quiet depression.
Ms Balogun made the attempt to follow through for the event, but says with the anticipation of more possible micro aggressions, she succumb to the overwhelming feeling of anxiety. Whilst at Kings Cross about to board the train, Ms Balogun called Mr Thompson at the 11th hour to make an excuse, turn back, and go home. Ms Balogun did not attend the debut of her self titled club night.
Ms Balogun later apologised to Mr Thompson when she had a chance to see him in person a few weeks later in December but the damage was done, with Ms Balogun seemingly obtaining a reputation for being unreliable. With this in mind, Mr Thompson has not reached out to Ms Balogun since that day.
It's worth noting that Ms Balogun had never not showed for a booked gig prior to the above happenings.
SECTION 14: Text Evidence 2
Ms Balogun recall's, from April of 2018; her fear became reality when she felt a distinct shift in dynamics between herself and the only person left in the daytime office space of Mi-Soul DAB, Ms Beckett. This dynamic progressed as the year went on with Ms Beckett suggesting that Ms Balogun was lying about the art work that Ms Balogun had completed for Mr Herel and Miss Coxshaw, in May of 2018.
Following suit with the rest of the day time personnel; by Autumn of 2018 Miss Beckett had completely shut down where Ms Balogun was concerned. At the start of December 2018, Ms Balogun made a last attempt to engage with Miss Beckett. Miss Beckett did not engage or acknowledge Ms Balogun. See ref. 14a)
Till this day Ms Balogun has no true gravitas as to why Miss Beckett went from being a once, friendly advocate and peer to a hostile co-worker toward her, other than to assume it was an extension of the prevalent, culture of discrimination brought forward by Mr Macnamee and adopted by so many others in reference to the relentless discrimination against Ms Balogun.
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SECTION 15: Plagiarism/Mi-Soul PR
Andrea Britton joined Mi-Soul DAB radio in 2016 in the role of Public Relations for the station, brought in by Mr Macnamee. Initially Mrs Britton was extremely friendly with all other personnel including Ms Balogun. As time went on, much like most of the day time personnel at Mi-soul, Mrs Britton also got to see the dynamics of bullying carried out on Ms Balogun and on occasion, Mrs Britton took advantage of this fact.
On one occasion, Mrs Britton undermined Ms Balogun within a graphic's commission opportunity that had already been, independently commissioned and paid for on completion; Mrs Britton was either coerced by outside entities within Mi-Soul or took direct initiate an intersection override Ms Balogun's completed commission in offering up her services to the client as a better solution for a final result. Ms Balogun had no knowledge until seeing an alternative solution for the client being used in a public circulation.
Mrs Britton was responsible for seeking out and bringing Emma Noble to Mi-Soul (see section 8)
When Ms Balogun was relieved of her position with Mi-Soul, she had every intention to fight her depression with a new creative direction which she titled 'Planet Tutu' a concept to provide mental and creative stability away from all that she had been subjected to at Mi-soul radio. In January of 2018 Ms Balogun shared her creative thoughts around Planet Tutu with an ex colleague who she had considered a friend at that time. The concept was then taken and shared with others including Mrs Britton, without Ms Balogun's awareness.
Knowing that Ms Balogun had intentions to launch the concept of 'Planet Tutu' as a brand label, Mrs Britton plagiarised the concept of brand name for a client who is a Mi-Soul listener called Miss Jacqueline Thompson Brown. It's worth noting that Miss Thompson-Browne was also in a romantic relationship with another of the Mi-Soul DJ/presenters at this time and frequented Mi-Soul events, and was aware of who Ms Balogun is and the space she previously held. Miss Thompson Brown was present and watching on with Mrs Britton in the incident where Ms Balogun was subjected to the humiliation of being assaulted by Mrs Debra Mac in Ibiza in 2017. Thus, was also aware of the bullying dynamics placed on Ms Balogun courtesy of Mi-Soul. Mrs Britton beat Ms Balogun in timing of launching 'Planet JQ' in November of 2018 to showcase wares and brand concept before Ms Balogun could have her chance to present herself to an established audience at the time. Ms Balogun was made aware by a strategic invitation to 'like' Miss Thompson Browne's business. sent through to Ms Balogun by Miss Thompson Browne. See ref. 15b). 15c). and 15d).
Two weeks before Ms Balogun was relieved of her position at Mi-Soul in 2019, Miss Rosie Coxshaw called Ms Balogun for changes to be made to the work completed in 2018. In this call Miss Coxshaw took a last opportunity to ridicule Ms Balogun. When Ms Balogun brought to Miss Coxshaw attention that, she and Mr Herel had breached their verbal contract of promoting Ms Balogun's services, Miss Coxshaw responded in citing "We let you sign it! That was your promotion!" Ms Balogun explained that her prices would've ordinarily started from a minimum of £400 and can rise to £1000+ dependent on choice of rendered treatment, adding that the £150 price extended to Mr Herel and Miss Coxshaw was part of an agreement that included promotion of which, Ms Balogun still had not received. Miss Coxshaw replied again in saying "How much?! I wouldn't pay that for it! £400?! The art work's good but it ain't that good love!"
At the start of 2020, Ms Balogun discovered that Mr Herel and Miss Coxshaw had started an online retail store, selling Ms Balogun's artwork with Ms Balogun's indelible signature on clothing and household goods without Ms Balogun's permission or knowledge.
In 2021 Miss Coxshaw went on to hire the Mi-Soul DJ, Emma Noble to model Ms Balogun's artwork on merchandise. The artwork was originally briefed to be a woman with an afro but to "not make her black. We don't want to alienate white people!" To have a non ethnic woman with hair that resembled an afro, model the stolen work of a ethnic woman with an afro was a continuation of the subjugated discrimination pressed upon Ms Balogun throughout her association with Mi-Soul and beyond. See ref. 15e). 15f). and 15g).
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As the time has continued forward so has the disregard and disrespect and mental abuse of Ms Balogun. The Friday afternoon show time that the Tutu@2 radio show once held in aiding the growth of what was once believed to be a community start up radio station with potential for great inclusion, has now been taken over by non black females whilst Miss Coxshaw, a woman who originates from a space far removed from a journey of likeness to that of of those who have been marginalised in society, now frequents a show time that Ms Balogun once carved out from inception to a point of validity; Ms Coxshaw uses this platform to showcase and promote her 'passion of supporting women at work' all the while without a second thought of the irony in abusing Ms Balogun 'at work' as a woman, a woman of colour, and as a working woman of colour. Further more, Mr Herel and Miss Coxshaw are in a romantic relationship which was initially hidden from Ms Balogun. Ref. 15h). 15i). and 15j).
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The lasting effects of public humiliation and stolen dignity have been further encouraged via a very public expansion of the removal of Ms Balogun from her own factual presence, ability, significant contributions and original creations. What was supposed to be the clear showcase of Ms Balogun's emotional intelligence and creative articulation has been reduced to a mere smudge, as those who were once core fans of both the Tutu@2 show and 'Tutu' as a 'cover presenter' are continued to be goaded by Mr Macnamee and the likes of Mr Herel along with others from Mi-Soul; into a space of spectating and/or even participating in the diminishing of Ms Balogun's efforts, career and reputation.
Below is a small selection of supportive messages from Joe Cox, a once religious fan of Ms Balogun on the radio. See ref. 15k). 15l). 15m). 15n) and 15o). Beyond the above stated, you can see in ref. 15p). and 15q). Joe Cox's name in bold which covers up Ms Balogun's signature for her visual creation for an event of which, Joe Cox who, was not originally made known through being a professional Dj or Presenter, has since been vetted by Mr Herel and is now a participating DJ as well as a presenter on Mi-Soul radio, for the right money exchange between Mr Macnamee and Joe Cox. As you will see, it isn't only Joe Cox, It's many others. As well as plagiarism; you can see in 15r) where the credited graphic artist has been labeled as someone other than Ms Balogun with yet another green light by Mr Herel. As well as all of the above Miss Coxshaw and Mr Herel have gone on to completely obliterate Ms Balogun in any capacity of presence or legacy by green lighting others to recreate and doodle over Ms Balogun's existing artwork for all to see on public display. See ref. 15s)
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Despite Ms Balogun being the first female presenter to walk through the doors of Mi-Soul radio at the Stephen Lawrence Centre, Mr Macnamee has continued to endorse the defaming of Tutu Balogun's reputation, skill's and career. See ref. 15t) and 15u).
Despite Ms Balogun providing significant aid in building a radio show from the ground up and providing free services beyond her intended capacity with an understanding that she would be paid correctly once the station managed to turn a corner, Mr Macnamee has engaged in behaviours that have been detrimental to Ms Balogun's financial and mental state of being.
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The Stephen Lawrence Centre was built to honour Stephen Lawrence's legacy and help bridge the gap for the marginalised. Ms Balogun knew this when she proudly knocked on the door of Mi- Soul. See ref. 15v) and 15w).
Mi-Soul has indeed presented itself to the public as an entity that drives a community, conducive to various demographics most associated with the space in which it operates from; this suggests a position of allies and advocates against discrimination. However, it is essential for us to grasp on the reality in further understanding what Ms Balogun has experienced.
The reality is, leadership of Mi-Soul had leveraged the notion of a CIC urban radio station at The Stephen Lawrence Centre in order, to procure free 'urban' labour from members of the very demographic that the Stephen Lawrence Centre is in place to support, the marginalised communities. This is for the purpose of maximising profit and income for the select few of Mi-Soul in director/management positions and their spouses, some of whom have also come into (prominent) roles overseeing key elements of the operations. When we look at the relationship dynamics between Mr Macnamee and the personnel in managerial positions, there is a clear contributing factor of a long, established personal relationship independent from Mi-Soul radio.
As of 2017, with a now established presence in the Stephen Lawrence Centre, Mi-Soul dissolved as a CIC with all assets being transferred to Tristar Communications Limited. Regardless, Mi-Soul radio maintains the intended, projected image of company via their social media.
Discrimination is rampant in this environment with further intimidation in some cases, threats of violence and exclusion being used as a weapon to silence those who may want to speak out on the insidious dynamics.
Mr Macnamee went from, "My boys don't fuck with me!" in year one, to reaching a comfortable space of "Don't fuck with me Tutu!", shouting and swearing at Ms Balogun, going on to cause physical and mental harm by yanking her hair in public on two occasions, in year four.
Had Ms Balogun known this was what she was walking in to, she would not have ever knocked on the door due to fear for her mental equilibrium. Once, there, Ms Balogun found it hard to leave on account of her slowly diminishing mental state of being and the desperate need to refute her stark reality at Mi-Soul.
Below, in ref. 15x). 15y). and 15z), you can see a clear example of the cognitive dissonance that Tutu Balogun has been subjected to
Image 16a) clearly states that they strive to honour the legacy of Stephen Lawrence however in image 16b) one can see a clear image of Stephen Lawrence in the middle grid; whilst via the top right, they have a photo of Mr Herel in the Stephen Lawrence Centre wearing a design created by Ms Balogun, who was briefed by Mr Herel and Miss Coxshaw to give said image an afro but, "do not make her black...". The discrimination against ethnic women of a darker hue from the Afro/Caribbean is clear and reinforced with the open endorsement and professional partnering with Miss Coxshaw on MI-Soul's official platform, concurrent to an existing knowledge on how she feels about black women in spaces of prominence.
SECTION 16: Summery of Section 1 - 15
Gordon Macnamee and Mi-Soul DAB have garnered a team in aiding the maintenance of an agenda that defies all moral codes of practise against discrimination, with some examples of the end result seen below in ref. 17a). 17b). 17c). 17d). 17e). 17f). 17g). 17h). 17i). and 17j).
Stephen Lawrence's mother fought to ensure that her son represents: hope, healing, closure. Ms Balogun has been on her own journey to seek closure.
In representing Ms Balogun, this was the first 'glamorous' image shared to social media of her, by a third party with any proximity of association to Mi-Soul Radio. (Photo supplied by Ms Balogun) 2013
Ms Balogun is a highly skilled graphic designer but prominent black woman with afro hair equal, alienation for white people (according To Mr Ronnie Here and Miss Rosie Coxshaw) 2017 - 2018
FROM THIS... 2007
A building that came into existence as part of a carefully curated long, upstanding legacy that in turn serves all with an emphasis placed on those still here, from within the community of the proprietor of said legacy...
Ms Balogun is trying to survive and maintain some core identity after being sabotaged in her own professionally, creative life through discriminative conduct
"You black people never do anything but complain!" Gordon Macnamee - 2013
"You look like a black girl I used to fuck back in the day..." Gordon Macnamee - 2015
"Don't fuck with me Tutu!" Gordon Macnamee - 2017
In representing Ms Balogun, this was the last image shared to social media of her, by a third party in any proximity of association with Mi-Soul Radio... (Photo not supplied by Ms Balogun, and without her consent) 2018
No Black(s) women allowed! Non alienation equals non black skinned woman but she is allowed to have an afro typically associated with black skinned women who are often taunted for said hair. 2018 - Present
TO THIS... 2017
An organisation that refused to recognise the importance of females from the African/Caribbean community in positions of front facing prominence within a building designed for a demographic with their inclusion.
"You should go Tutu! Leave..! You're not relevant!"
DJ Mark 'Deadly' Smedley/PC Smedley. 2017
Ms Balogun is still suffering from the marginalisation and defamation that was cultivated and inserted into her life by Mr Macnamee, whilst at Mi-Soul. Likewise, she remains the subject of creative plagiarism by personnel who have assimilated with Mi-Soul's culture.
Ms Balogun had long since carved out a lane of her choice career a number of years prior, through studying at the number one Art institution in Europe , University of the Arts London to refine her artistic ability; then going on to work in music media via Capital Xtra, Channel 4 Radio , Time Out London (music journalism division). She saw no issue in separating her personal life from her professional space of presence. Thus, had not sought work in Mi-Soul radio with the intention of the outward focus of her peers and those beyond, to be compromised by her personal experiences or trauma's from what can only be described as a most harrowing and distressing series of soul encroaching abuse. But in light of all she has endured whilst working under the Mi-Soul umbrella, these unique, additional factors should not be overlooked when processing the constant harassment she was subjected to.
Subjected to with common assault on numerous counts by management and some of management's spouse(s) should not be overlooked. The exacerbated elements are further compounded when one processes the impact and toll this has had on the mental state of Ms Balogun when we look at all of the angles.
In the latter years of Ms Balogun's tenure at Mi-Soul; Mr Smedley's approach toward her resembled that of a personal vendetta as he proceeded to relentlessly, administered bullying and discrimination on Ms Balogun. One can't ignore the mental trauma Ms Balogun would have suffered on account of her previous experience of Police brutality at the point of her initial attack.
Moreover, Ms Balogun subsequently lost her show due to choice of action and misconduct on Mr Smedley's part, reinforcing an idea that Ms Balogun will be punished for being unduly targeted with discrimination, serving as another jolt of intense anxiety for Ms Balogun. This should not be overlooked.
The mental strain of constant defamation of Ms Balogun's character in a radio station that built its foundations on a community, mainly focused on the innate societal characteristics and minority class in which Ms Balogun undoubtedly belongs to, whilst enduring the impact of said defamation through various conducts including the implied depiction of being a 'Civil Rights Activist' should not be overlooked.
Ms Balogun had areas of her most private life infiltrated in efforts to remind her of a traumatic experience of domestic violence at the hands of a long since, debunked personal relationship with an ex spouse, from over 25 years ago; used as a weapon by a Lloyd E Mix, a male member of Mi-Soul radio's middle management team as an intended ploy to intimidate and coerce Ms Balogun into following him back to his home for the purpose of Ms Balogun providing sexual favours, while his spouse and children were on holiday. This should not be overlooked.
Ms Balogun being referenced as a "Nigga Bitch" in any capacity whilst serving Mi-soul radio, should not be overlooked.
Ms Balogun suffering six years of marginalisation and constant denigration, with the added fact of a clear lack of reward whilst the creative riches brought forward by Ms Balogun were extracted for the benefit of others, should not be overlooked.
The encouragement and overseeing of plagiarism/theft and simultaneous undermining of Ms Balogun's work and creativity on the part of others working in close association with Mi- Soul radio's management, and the lasting effects this has had on Ms Balogun's life, career and mental state, should not be overlooked.
SECTION 17: Statement from Ms Balogun
Further to the above, Ms Balogun states the following:
"This entire ordeal started in 2013 and has not ceased to exist yet; I fear it never will ad I will always need therapy".
"I chose to 'work' for Mi-Soul for a duality of reasons including the location of the station. I thought it was a clear sign for someone like me, searching for closure in my very specific circumstance".
" I had considered if I would tell the management of my significance, beyond my professional role (both Gordon Macnamee and Martin Striven), and came to an understanding with self that if the opportunity naturally presented down the line, I would. The opportunity did not present; furthermore, I spent most of my time not wanting to be in the same space as them, with a majority of the remainder of my time in the building, constantly fighting off the psychological mind games and battles".
"I honestly thought I could manage the micro aggressions, with my energy better placed with more positive and meaningful intentions as an end goal, but having never been through this level of discriminative abuse for such a length of time before, I was not mentally prepared for my eventual, downward spiral once the micro aggressions were aggravated by the macro aggressions".
"I was never praised or thanked for my shows or graphics but any on-air mistakes were instantly highlighted".
"I was paid no more than a total of, less than £2500 for radio shows in my entire six years of being a presenter at Mi-soul DAB, with Gordon singling me out in saying my show was "specialist", as a way to justify me not being paid My show was not specialist.
Management and select personnel were constantly searching for new ways in efforts to humiliate me; which I firmly believe has been the driving force of encouragement for all other entities that have come along and professionally violated me. Equally, I was subjected to hearing other jokes centred around misogyny and racism on many occasions, which added to the overall disrespect".
"I had my voice silenced through intimidation and ostracisation, I had my contributions to a company marginalised, and I've had my work stolen. I've had my name smeared and suffered great defamation, and have been strategically and heavily discriminated against leading to subsequent removal from my own life".
"I have been drawing since the age of 7/8 and had been waiting my whole life to live out my goals of integrating my art with my second love, music; Gordon Macnamee became aware of these facts and made efforts to ensure, I didn't fulfil my dream, beyond serving his goals and aspirations".
I" had been (patiently) waiting for 21 years for this eventual access to a 'safe space' where I could (quietly) gain some closure for a past event of of relevance, but once I arrived, my potential gain was blocked in favour of Gordon's insatiable needs based around exploitation and discrimination".
"I'm someone who considered myself, a genuine advocate for sharing good, positive energy, this was my joy pre 2013 -2019. My joy has now been indefinitely blocked".
"I held pride in representing women from an ethnic minority, specifically the African diaspora; this space of pride has since been undermined, diminished and is currently blocked from the idea of ever existing again".
"I cannot describe the constant and varied feelings of mental exhaustion from having to pretend in the office and public spaces that all was okay; that I was okay in the face of humiliations, whilst in the presence of my peers or listeners of the station. I was not okay and would go home to cry it out on countless occasions".
"I tried to suppress my depression from grabbing full hold of me in 2019 but ended up having a breakdown. I tried to cover my mental state even after the breakdown in order to keep going but the smear campaign from Mi-Soul was/is still there. I've had my business name stolen from me by the once head of PR for Mi-Soul. Every aspect of my life had been violated and by 2020, In the wake of George Floyd, I tried to start a petition taking aim on racism, hoping this would help heal my mental state but it didn't work and I had another breakdown. I had many dark feelings of not wanting to be here anymore resulting in many thoughts of taking my own life, even though, I was presenting myself to others as okay on the outside".
"I was stripped of everything that I am as a human being, a woman and a larger than life happy, creative soul. These core elements of me have been taken and handed out to others deemed more worthy of my attributes".
"I now suffer from anxiety and have regular panic attacks. I have had to be prescribed anti depressant medication and am in therapy.
I have nightmares and fear going to bed most days. I've had to be prescribed with sleeping pills."
I have a recurring dream that I'm being kidnapped from a brightly lit shopping centre full of people, at gunpoint, in plain sight. Everyone can see me, I can see everyone but nobody comes to help me and I can't scream or ask for help; I'm looking people in their eyes but nobody tries to aid me.
I've woken up into panic attacks and have had to call the samaritans on many occasions."
I've gone from being a spritely, social butterfly to living a life of something resembling solitary confinement, hardly ever spending physical time around anyone for too long because my thinking now is, if I couldn't escape discrimination at the Stephen Lawrence Centre then, I probably can't escape it anywhere".
"My self esteem has been stuck at a place where, even though I know what has happened to me is wrong, I have many moments where, I don't feel worthy of being seen, heard or appreciated; then jolts of reality of what has happened to me kick in and I realise once more that I need to do something".
"I go on social media for 5 minutes and get anxiety and sometimes panic attacks because I see ex colleagues that, then remind me of my experience, my stolen artwork and signature being sold by a one time, colleague and a woman presenting herself to the public as an advocate for other women in work, who has tricked me whilst going on to work alongside Mi-Soul in promoting herself within a show timeline on the station that I once breathed life to, gave my craft, time and effort to build up from inception. I see my stolen brand concept being peddled by ex colleagues, people I once smiled with. But most of all, I see, a radio station with a damning conflict of interest with the building in which they have sought to take up residence whilst presenting themselves to a public as an upstanding and supporting entity for a multitude of communities.
"Never would I have imagined that The Stephen Lawrence Centre would be a space that brings me anxiety, panic attacks and tears every time it creeps to front of mind".
"An ex DJ colleague of mine by the name of 'DJ Supreme' had told me in 2019, not long after I was dismissed; he attended the radio station on a business matter and on his entry he turned to Ronnie Herel to say "it's a shame about Tutu not being here anymore" to which Ronnie Herel replied "We don't talk about Tutu, here!" I cannot tell you how low this made me feel on account of how hard I've had to quietly fight to just, stay in the room of my own life and be seen by self".
I'd also like to show acknowledgement for my, increasing lack of discernment with every year that went by of me being at Mi-Soul. Whilst one should never expect to receive this high level of discrimination in any professional space of work, even so, one would not ordinarily anticipate such hefty abuse in a Centre in honour of Stephen Lawrence much like. one should not be expecting child abuse from within the NSPCC. Additionally, my dual reason for being there (the latter being, closure that I could ascertain on my own without having to wait for a friend to comply, or wait for the police to acknowledge. For the first time I didn't need anyone to get to the other side), coupled with the behaviours constantly projected on to me, meant that, the conditions under which I was operating, played a significant factor in compounding my usual space of judgement; ultimately leading to a road of trauma.
"I'm very aware of the fact that those with implications in my matter ordinarily hold a level of intimidation; an ex convict, an ex police officer, the Founder(s) of Kiss FM. These factors aided my fears in coming forward along side mental health reasons. It's taken me this long to finally be steady enough and strong enough to fully pursue legal action against my Mi-Soul DAB".
SECTION 18: Supporting Medical Evidence
Ms Balogun Doctor is in the process of compiling her medical records dating back to 2019. Below are references to letters already in receipt Please see ref.
Please note: These below records reflect the last few months due to Ms Balogun's phone reset. But as specified earlier, hermedical records will reflect medical assistance from 2019 onward.
SECTION 19: Additional Legal Ramifications
Crime Investigation
As previously mentioned in Introduction; on account of new evidence brought forward in the wake of Ms Balogun's experience at the Stephen Lawrence Centre, the original crime committed against Ms Balogun of 1992 has been re-opened with a view to gain justice for Ms Balogun and further aid tin tying more loose ends for Stephen Lawrence's case of 1993. Below in ref. 19a) is an email to the re-opened investigation into Ms Balogun's original case of 1992.
Trademark Litigation
Ms Balogun's 6-year timeline at Mi-Soul radio has resulted in an insurmountable level of damage and long standing, inconvenience.
Currently, as well as a full investigation for crimes committed against Ms Balogun in 1992; Ms Balogun has had to seek legal counsel for a Trademark litigation case and will instruct for start of procedures in the coming weeks.
Thankfully, Having explained the circumstances surrounding the matter of Ms Balogun's stolen Intellectual Property, Trademark Wizards and it's directors have agreed to process Ms Balogun's claim through its Anti-bullying division. Please see below Ref. 19b).
Please click the link below to access page one, which provides an in depth chronological written account of Ms Balogun's year on year account of discrimination at Mi-Soul Radio.